What Survey Say About CBD On Anxiety, Stress And Sleep Disorder

Sleep. You need to like it. You would like it. However, if you are sort of a batch of USA citizens, you are not getting the seven hours each day the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) says you would like. Moreover, since you are reading this, it is safe to mention you are wondering if CBD can help.

Also, you have probably heard that touch anxiety and stress is normal. Those butterflies before speechmaking or hitting up your boss for a more paid day off. Or how about the push once they hand you the cup for a urine test — even once you know you are clean? However, that is probably not what has you brooding about CBD.

The Survey

An estimated 70 million Americans are within the same boat, losing out on zzz's to problems like insomnia, apnea, narcolepsy and restless legs syndrome. About 10% of young adults endure chronic insomnia. That is three nights every week, for a month or longer. Millions more affect it on the short-term.

Your sleep-deprived friends are stacking up health risks like obesity, physical inactivity and excess alcohol and cigarette use. Plus, chronic health problems from heart attacks and strokes to asthma, arthritis, depression and diabetes. No wonder our sleep obsession is on high alert.

Can CBD Help In Sleep Disorder

An August Gallup poll showed that 14% of U.S. CBD users are relying on the solution to be 'yes.' However, consistent with researchers, the health benefits of CBD are a touch more complicated than that.

Proof of CBD's role in sound slumber is mixed at best. One study shows that low doses of CBD keep you awake. Another study says high doses do the trick. Another report that says CBD does not affect sleep cycles, and you see what we are accessing.

Side Notes

Research shows that THC, the first psychoactive cannabinoid in weed, helps users fall asleep and sleep all night soundly long. However, add in CBD, and things shift.

Low doses of THC and CBD in balanced ratios are shown to scale back the first restorative sleep stage. A couple of hits with a joint in raw pre-rolled cones can do this trick. In contrast, high doses heighten wakefulness, which will be great for daytime drowsiness or narcolepsy, but not if you are lying awake nights. Moreover, as far as CBD and chronic insomnia, the jury is still out until more research comes in.

Survey On Stress And Anxiety

A lot of hysteria and stress cannot be explained. Anxiety disorders are America’s most common mental disease, affecting quite 18% of the nation’s adults. That is almost 1 in every five adults you recognize. Furthermore, most of these people never seek formal treatment.

If you are in a group, that does not mean you accepted the established order. If you are like most, you are trying to find ways to affect it yourself — and you are wondering if CBD can help. You are not the sole one. An August Gallup poll found that 20% of U.S. CBD users are using it to treat anxiety. Another 5% name stress.

Most CBD anxiety research has focused on short-term treatment. CBD is so new, and there is not much info on long-term treatment yet. However, anxiety and stress studies show CBD is often very useful for a few conditions, including generalized mental disorder (GAD), social, mental disorder (SAD), anxiety disorder (PD) and more.

Other Study On CBD

That is not all. Studies show CBD offers hope for treating anxiety-related disorders, like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which both involve extreme anxiety.

High Hope For PTSD patients

For PTSD patients, CBD seems to figure on multiple symptoms. It can help block persistent fear memories, lower stress-induced high vital signs and high heart rates, and more. Furthermore, it does it with fewer side effects than current PTSD meds. Even the Veterans Administration is funding CBD research to hurry up clinical proof of its effectiveness on PTSD.

If your stress issues are more run-of-the-mill, there is more excellent news. CBD’s anxiety-calming attributes work to appease everyday tension and stress, too. Especially when anxiety or fear is behind the physical or emotional stresses, you are feeling. Furthermore, if anxious thoughts keep you awake in the dark, CBD can help improve your sleep, too.

When taking CBD for anxiety, research suggests that more is not better. Neither is a smaller amount. Moderate CBD doses treat anxiety more effectively than either extreme. It also helps to be proactive and take CBD before stress or anxiety hit full tilt.

If you are receiving medical treatment for anxiety-related conditions, sit down together with your doctor before you are trying CBD. This is often especially important when prescription meds are involved. CBD can interact with some medications, and dropping your regular meds can put you in danger.

Bottom Line

If your sleeplessness is pain- or anxiety-related, CBD can soothe those root causes and assist you in getting the sleep you would like. CBD also holds promise for treating paradoxical sleep behaviour disorders. That is where sleepers act out vivid dreams, sometimes violently.

There is even some hope for people that wrestle with restless legs syndrome, but final word thereon, too, remains to be seen.

If you are planning on trying CBD for sleep, stay smart. Persist with vetted companies that you trust, and concentrate on labels and laboratory testing results.

Even mattress companies are jumping on the bandwagon with CBD gummies — enhanced with melatonin, a proven sleep-enhancing supplement. So, who is to mention what is behind good sleep?

If a doctor sees you for any medical condition, talk with them before you are trying CBD. It can interact with other meds, so keep your doc informed and do an equivalent for yourself.


Good news! For tons of conditions, the hype about CBD does not live up to the hope. However, research suggests that CBD may provide some answers and relief for people affected by anxiety and anxiety-related disorders.

Expect more news on CBD and anxiety research soon. Studies are underway. Within the meantime, remember that over-the-counter CBD products vary significantly in quality and, at now, there is little regulation to guard you.


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