Vaping And Sex: What Is It Really Doing To Your Body?

Everyone knows about the “cigarettes after sex” thing. There are even bands named after the whole thing. In many movies and TV shows, we’ve seen our favorite characters light up a cigarette instantly after sex.

There is definitively a thing to this, but what is it all about? Is it really tempting to light up a cigarette after sex? In this post, we’re going to talk about vaping, sex, and how these two relate to each other.

But before we do that, let’s see how cigarettes and vaping are different from each other.

Vaping vs. Cigarettes

In some ways, these two are quite similar, but they have lots of differences as well. All cigarettes have nicotine, while vape liquids come with nicotine-free formulas as well. With cigarettes, there is combustion that causes smoke, oxidation, and the release of harmful chemicals into the air.

Vapes don’t include all these harmful chemicals, as there is no combustion. It works by heating up the substance and releasing it in the form of vapor. Vapes also come in many different flavor combinations.

There are traditional tobacco flavors, banana, grape, cherry, peppermint, coffee, and many more. In general, vaping is far less harmful than cigarettes, but it does trigger similar pleasure sensors in the brain like cigarettes.

Why do People Like to Smoke After Sex?

When you ask smokers when they like to smoke the most, one of the top three reasons will be after sex. The other two are usually while drinking coffee or after a meal.

Here are some of the reasons for this:

●        Cigarettes can help smokers relax, which enhances the refractory period that occurs after orgasms.

●        Lots of people enjoy the “buzz” they get out of nicotine. Smoking increases the heart rate and restricts blood vessels that cause this short but pleasant buzz.

●        Lots of people need to clear their minds after having sex. They need to process what happened, and smoking can help them with this process. 

●        For many, it’s just a thing of habit. When going through sex without a smoke, people simply start craving nicotine, and they want it after the deed is done.

Vaping After Sex

The basic principle is pretty much the same. With vaping becoming very popular, more people are craving for a vape after sex instead of a cigarette. E-juice contains a concentrated amount of nicotine. There aren’t any added chemicals that are typically found in cigarettes. Moreover, holding a wax pen gives a similar feeling to holding a cigarette.

At the same time, vapes generate a lot of nicotine in a single drag, making the experience even more pleasurable. Vaping gives the same kick that leads to the known buzz after sex. That’s why many people use it the same way as cigarettes.

Furthermore, there are no negative effects on your sex life like with cigarettes:

●        Cigarettes can lead to faster ejaculation.

●        They can reduce sexual drive.

●        Cigarettes reduce blood flow that could make arousal more difficult.

●        They cause stamina loss, which can make sex shorter.

How Vaping Affects Sex

Vaping doesn’t come with the negative health effects as traditional cigs. Here are some of the benefits offered by vaping for your sex life:

More Stamina

Cigarette tobacco leads to lower stamina. However, by switching to vaping, you won’t have to deal with this. E-cigarettes don’t have those harmful chemicals and don’t reduce the amount of oxygen available in your blood. Vaping doesn’t lead to the absorption of as many toxic chemicals and allows you to perform longer in bed. You can check lab tested CBD vape juice by CBDfx.

More Energy

When smoking cigarettes throughout the day, they lead to loss of energy and feeling tired, which can make sex a lot more difficult. Nicotine smoke puts a lot of strain on the heart and lungs. However, with vaping, you get a strong dose of nicotine without these side-effects, leading to more energy.

Vaping Doesn’t Disrupt the Senses.

Cigarettes disrupt the sense of taste and smell — they numb important receptors in our body in charge of sensation. When switching to vaping, many smokers say that their sense of taste and smell came back. It will make sex more intense and let you experience it more vividly.

Bottom Line

Cigarettes disrupt your sex life in many ways. You might not notice it because you’re used to it, but your sex life could be a lot better without them. If you are a chain smoker and quitting is impossible, try switching to vaping and see just how better it is.


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