What Does it Mean to for Cannabis to be “Clean Green Certified”?

Any cannabis brand can claim to have high quality organic buds - but those claims aren't always true. In fact, a lot of the time, they are far from accurate. So, how can you be sure that you are getting a quality product? The "Clean Green Certification" takes the guesswork out of which brands you can and can't trust.

What Is “Clean Green Certified” Cannabis?

One of the many problems to come out of cannabis only being legal at a state level is a lack of proper organic classification. While other farmers can apply to be "certified organic" - something we're all surely familiar with - cannabis growers cannot.

Because the organic label is overseen by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and cannabis is federally illegal, no cannabis brand is legally certified organic. That's where the Clean Green Certification comes in, providing the next best thing (and possibly something better).

Chris VanHook, an attorney experienced in working with the USDA organic certification, created the Clean Green Certification to fill the gap in the industry.

What Does it Take to Get “Clean Green Certified”?

“(Clean Green) confirms that their cannabis is grown legally in the state in which it is grown,” VanHook explained. “It confirms that the produce is grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. It is very easy—and of no great value—to say ‘I grow organically,’ but it’s entirely different to have a qualified third-party program come to your farm and confirm that it is.”

Legal Compliance

The first thing inspected - before even the quality of the product - is legal compliance. All Clean Green Certified brands are required to operate legally within the laws of their state. This portion of the inspection includes a mock recall as well as a trace back. This shows a brands ability to trace contaminants back to their source.

Cultivation Method

It should be no surprise cultivation methods are inspected during this certification process. After all, the most important factor to organic cannabis is how it is grown. During this stage everything from water to soil and electricity usage are inspected.

Agriculture Inspection

The final step is the agriculture inspection. At this point the plants themselves are being inspected for things like mold, mildew, pest problems or anything similar. Samples are collected from each facility and sent off to a lab for testing prior to certification.

Are “Clean Green Certified” Products Better?

If you are looking for a quality that matches that of a USDA Certified Organic product, the Clean Green Certification is what you want to see. This certification is for brands that go the extra mile to ensure that they are not only compliant with the state but providing a high-quality product. 

Yes, you can still get some potent cannabis without the fancy certification. But those buds were likely treated with pesticides and grown using other chemical nutrients. This may affect the production of beneficial terpenes and trichomes that are just as important as a high THC percentage.

If you want a quality bud that is truly organic and cultivated with sustainable practices, you won't find better than a Clean Green Certified brand like Fleur.

Why Choose Fleur Brand Organic Cannabis?

Fleur Brand cannabis flower is 100 percent organically grown and is Clean Green Certified. We never use synthetic fertilizers or toxic additives. Our cannabis is completely natural, unlike others who use pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and other toxins in the cultivation process. Our talented team of scientists and cannabis experts have helped us bring our vision of a truly organic cannabis to dispensaries near you.  


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