Ways to Use Your Already Been Vaped Weed

Have you ever wondered what you should do with your weed after a vaping session? Sure, it looks a bit faded – but it often feels like a waste to throw it away. If you save your already been vaped bud, there are many ways you can use it to catch a second relaxing buzz before it’s toast.  

How Much THC is Still in Already Been Vaped Bud?

Obviously if you’ve already gotten one vaping session out of your bud it’s not as potent as it was when you got it. But vaping, unlike smoking, preserves some of the cannabinoids and terpenes in the bud. In fact, it makes a perfect option for edibles since you won’t need to decarboxylate the weed.

There is no way to know how strong your vaped weed is without lab testing. However, it is estimated that around 10-20 percent of the original THC remains behind after vaping. Some studies suggest as much as a third of the original THC is still in the already vaped bud.

Ways to Use Already Been Vaped Cannabis

Knowing the potential potency of already vaped bud makes a compelling argument to keep it rather than tossing it out. But once you’ve decided to keep it, how can you get the most use out of your previously vaped bud? There are many ways to make use of it, but the following are some of the most popular and easiest options.  

Already Been Vaped Bud Recipes

Edibles are a favorite go-to for getting a second use out of your already been vaped bud. Since the bud is technically decarboxylated already you get to skip a step compared to using regular ground flower. Plus, the flavor potential is truly endless since about any recipe can be adapted to include cannabis.  


A universal ingredient in almost all baked goods and many meals – butter. It’s the perfect versatile way to get the most out of your already vaped bud. Once you’ve made cannabutter it can be used to substitute regular butter in any meal or treat.


This is more of a quick-fix sort of edible that you can make in a pinch. Again, having the ability to skip decarboxylating really speeds up this already quick process. Simply sandwich some Nutella between a couple of graham crackers with a small bowl packs worth of your already been vaped bud. Wrap the sandwich in foil and stick it in your oven or toaster oven for 10-15 minutes at around 300 degrees. Take it out of the foil, let cool, and enjoy!

Homemade Topicals Using Already Vaped Bud

Another option for using up your already vaped bud is to make your own topicals. This is a great option for someone who wants a medicated version of their own preferred lotions. The easiest way to go about this is to simply add the ground and vaped bud to a bottle of your preferred lotion. However, you can start from scratch and get a much more customized experience.

Infuse Your Morning Coffee

Many people like to enjoy a bowl with their morning coffee while getting ready for the day. With already been vaped bud, this becomes an all-in-one process – if you want it to be. All you need to do is add the ground and vaped cannabis flower to your coffee grounds. This will allow the THC to infuse with the entire pot of coffee.

Can You Smoke Already Been Vaped Weed?

While smoking is not the advised way to use your previously vaped bud, it is an option to keep on the table. If you decide to go this route, know the taste is going to be beyond rough – but it will still get the job done. (Just, not as well as it did the first time around.)

Why Choose Fleur Brand Organic Cannabis?

Fleur Brand cannabis flower is 100 percent organically grown and is Clean Green Certified. We never use synthetic fertilizers or toxic additives. Our cannabis is completely natural, unlike others who use pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and other toxins in the cultivation process. Our talented team of scientists and cannabis experts have helped us bring our vision of a truly organic cannabis to dispensaries near you.  


What Does it Mean to for Cannabis to be “Clean Green Certified”?