How to Vape Weed in 2021

Vaping weed is the ultimate way to enjoy dry herbs. With no smoke, no smell, just pure smoke, you can get high anywhere you like. You don’t have to go around and let anyone that you just flew away. There are many numerous benefits to this new way of enjoying marijuana, including all from less smoke, better control on how much you smoke, and even less harmful materials going in into your lungs and mouth. It’s really a more superior way to smoke dry herbs. If all this is a bit unfamiliar to you, you may ask yourself what is a dry herb vaporizer

So in this article, let’s do a quick review of the things you need to know to start vaping weed the way you should.  

To start it off, you need to be aware that there are two types of heating techniques: convection heating and conduction heating.  

Convection heating, in a gist, is the more expensive tech that creates heat in the device and then brings the heat to the material. So you won’t get any contact with the heating element with the herb. This will ensure a clean, nice smoke full of flavor. They are usually slower to heat up, and you will have to wait on the device to deliver the smoke. If you really want the best, maybe get a convection one, but be patient with it.  

The conduction ones are set up, so the material comes in direct contact with the heating element. With these, you need to be careful as if you overheat it, you can still burn it and waste material. Lower heat and a tad bit of moving in the chamber will make sure this never happens if you get a good quality vaporizer. Be aware that different devices have different temperature setups, and you really need to read up on reviews to figure out how you will use your vaping toy. These are usually cheaper and faster, and there are some great devices on the market. 

Secondly, when you know, let’s list out some of the benefits of vaporizing your weed.  

These will include:

  1. No nasty chemicals going in your lungs

  2. Control how much you want to vaporize

  3. Control the temperature for the process

  4. Portability

1.     Vaping weed will bring your material hot enough to smoke but not too burn. So in this way you avoid the nasty chemicals that you get when smoking marijuana. It just gets the THC up and running without all the things that you may not want. It’s healthier, and it smells better.

2.     With the chambers where you will put your material, you can be exact on how much weed you will put in and how much you will smoke. So you can’t go overboard, but we advise that you get a device with a big enough vaporizer chamber, so if you want a longer smoking session, you can do it. 

3.             Temperature control is key in these devices. This will give you the ability to pull in that perfect flavorful hit that will fill your lungs with sweet THC bliss. Get a device with fine temperature controls so you can be sure that you won’t burn your dry herb. As mentioned, different devices have different temperature setups. The temperature will also depend on how much stuff you put in your little device; a more packed device will need more heat.

4.             This is one of the main things. Portability is imperative. These devices are handheld, small, and can be carried anywhere. Their batteries can usually last a few hours and you can use them anywhere and on the go. Some are super small; some are bigger with an array of addons and different customization options. Some of the devices will let you really make it your own. Some even rock add-ons in the form of water chambers to have a small bong anywhere you go. Now that’s what we are talking about.  


A lot of devices on the market currently. Truly you can get something for as low as $20 or you can get for something upwards of $300. Be aware that some more expensive devices may not be that good. Read up on reviews and YouTube videos which device is the most consistent in bringing nice clouds. Luckily the community is big, and research is easy to do. We wholeheartedly recommend exploring different devices and making a small collection for yourself. Read up on how efficient the device is, how long the battery lasts, how fast it burns material and the lowest temperature... Warranty is also essential, and on some devices, you can even get a lifelong warranty which is not a bad deal. 

With that, we hope you enjoyed our small guide throughout the world of vaporizing weed, and with that, we wish you happy vaping. 


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