What is CBN?

If you have any knowledge of cannabis, you have probably heard of the two most popular cannabinoids, THC and CBD. However, there is much more to cannabis than simply these two cannabinoids.

Aside from the fact that there are many different cannabis strains around, there are also some minor cannabinoids that are starting to come to the fore. One of these cannabinoids is CBN. In-depth knowledge of this cannabinoid is limited but there is some basic information available; together with some research results. Let's take a look at CBN in more detail.

The Basics of CBN

One of the main reasons why CBN has only recently been talked about in more detail is that it was previously thought of as a waste product when cannabis aged. This is because CBN occurs as a result of the oxygenation and decomposition of THC. This happens in older cannabis strains which may not have previously been considered useful.

The situation has now started to change. Research has now revealed potential sedative benefits of CBN. The limited studies that have taken place have shown that there are also other potential benefits to be had from the use of CBN.

How does CBN work to produce benefits?

In order to get a better understanding of CBN, it helps to look more closely at the benefits that it could bring. These benefits are still not fully understood but they are starting to become clearer.

Antibacterial Properties

CBN was tested in a laboratory environment. It was shown to be a strong antibacterial agent when used in an attempt to combat strains of MRSA bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. It could be that CBN will be put to use fighting this type of bacteria after more research is completed. This potential is especially valuable given the reducing effectiveness of antibiotics.

Acting as a Neuroprotective

It's early days in the quest to determine whether CBN could be used to help fight ALS and other neurodegenerative disorders. Tests on rodents produced positive results but there has been no human testing as yet. Hopefully, the positive results will continue as more research is carried out.

Stimulating Appetite

For cannabis users who enjoy the munchies effect but do not want to get high, CBN could be the answer. In tests involving rats, it was shown to make them eat more. This seems to suggest that it could help to stimulate the appetite.

Help With Glaucoma

CBN is potentially able to reduce intraocular pressure which is one of the biggest causes of glaucoma. This potential has only so far been seen with rabbits. It's also important to note that there is nothing to suggest that CBN will be more effective than other glaucoma treatments at this time.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Rheumatoid arthritis is a very painful condition and it's thought that CBN may be able to help people who suffer from it. Tests to confirm this have so far only been carried out on rodents but the results were positive. In one study involving rats, the arthritis was reduced. This is potentially a very exciting benefit of CBN.

CBN and CBD - What is the Difference?

There is now quite a large amount of knowledge about CBD. For instance, it's known that it's a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. This is why most people use it for medicinal purposes. On the other hand, CBN does have psychoactive properties, although it's not as strong as THC; approximately 10% as strong.

Another difference between CBD and CBN is that CBD is present in cannabis from the start. In fact, it can make up around 40% of cannabis resin. On the other hand, CBN only occurs after oxidation and the degradation of THC.

Far more is known about CBD than is known about CBN. There are already obvious differences between the two cannabinoids but they both have potential benefits that can be useful to people who use them.

In the case of CBN, far more research is required to establish the full potential of these benefits. Much of the research that has been completed so far has involved rodents rather than humans.

In Summary

Until recently, very little attention was paid to CBN. It was regarded mainly as a waste product and did not seem like a particularly attractive proposition due to its links with aging cannabis.

However, the situation has now started to change. More research into CBN is being carried out. This research has revealed several potential benefits including anti-inflammatory properties, appetite stimulation and antibacterial properties. These benefits could be a significant help with the treatment of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. However, it's important to note that research into the use of CBN is still in its infancy. Results have been positive so far but more research is required in order to provide definitive conclusions.


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